Thursday, September 6, 2012

Time to poke fun at some news stories

Strange People, strange stories

Csanad Szegedi, a member of the European Parliament representing the anti-Semitic Jobbik Party of Hungary (a party whose presidential candidate described Jews as "lice-infested"), resigned in August after admitting that he had learned that his own mother was (and therefore he is) a Jew. Initially, Szegedi tried to quash the revelation via bribery but eventually resigned, apologized, and vowed to pay respects at Auschwitz.

Mark Worsfold, 54, a former British soldier and martial arts instructor, was sitting along a road on July 28 watching the Olympic men's cycling race when he was detained because police on security alert said his "behavior" had "caused concern." After being handcuffed and taken to a police station, was told he was arousing suspicion because he "had not been seen to be visibly enjoying the event," to which he replied, truthfully, that he has Parkinson's disease, which causes facial rigidity. (After two hours of detention, he was released without charges.)

The way it usually happens is Mom and Dad start a road trip with their children, but after a rest stop, they fail to notice that one of the kids is not on board, and they may be well down the road before they turn around. However, in June, the family member left behind at a Memphis, Tenn., rest stop was Dad, and for 100 miles, no one noticed that he was missing. The family was traveling in a van, and everyone thought Dad was in the back. He was still at the gas station, calling his own phone (which was in the back of the van). Dad finally reached Mom in the van by posting to Facebook.

Hooman Samani of the Singapore company Lovotics, introducing his "Kissenger" at a design conference in Newcastle, England, in June. Kissenger is a large, soft ball with human-like lips and many pressure points, connected in tandem by the Internet, so that the unique lip movements by one lover are received precisely by the other as if their mouths were actually working the kiss.

Attendance is still strong in tiny Shingo, Japan, where villagers are certain that Jesus Christ is buried. About 500 tourists joined the celebration on June 3 (an event first held in 1964), in honor of Jesus' relocation there (presumably a voluntary journey from Calvary after the crucifixion). According to legend, he lived out his life in Shingo uneventfully, and a festival with dancing girls marks the anniversary.

Hey guys, I find these stories, at great personal hazard, just for you....because I care.....  :-)

Live Long and Prosper...

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