“The government shall pass no law infringing on, or in any
way restricting, the rights of a citizen of the United States of America to say
stupid things, act in a stupid manner or to do stupid things so long as such
actions do not result in the endangerment of other citizens or directly infringes
on the rights of other citizens.”
I call it “The Stupid Amendment”.
Why do we need a “Stupid Amendment”? -Because we are a free
people. We should be guaranteed the right to do something stupid if we want to
--and I for one am tired of our government trying to protect me from myself by
making things illegal.
Don’t drink too much soda from one glass because it’ll make
you obese –and we all know obesity leads to medical conditions which insurance companies
have to pay for and we all wind up paying higher premiums. Horse pucky! If you
let them get away with that kind of nonsense you’ll have the government
regulating the number of French Fries allowed per serving and the size of a
steak served at a restaurant. Candy bars will be removed from around the checkout
counters and require a parents’ permission to purchase. Potato Chips will be a new black market
item and milk shakes will be a fond memory.
They’ve already made it a law that even adults must wear a helmet
when riding a bicycle. Not a good old fashioned recommendation or safety tip –
a law! With crime rates rising in our cities, drive by shootings a daily occurrence,
drunk drivers dying or killing others at a rate of one every hour, do we really
want our police officers spending patrol time stopping adults riding
bicycles because they aren’t wearing helmets? Really?
I agree that people
should wear helmets on bicycles, and seat belts in cars for that matter. Not
wearing them is stupid - but damn it, we have a right to be stupid! We have a
right to drink a 32 ounce soda, put salt on our French Fries or enjoy a Bacon Cheese
Burger –and we don’t need the government playing nanny and passing laws to
force us to conform with some vocal and politically organized health food
fanatics’ ideas of how we should eat or how much weight constitutes obesity….
We have a right to be stupid –it’s an
integral part of our freedom. I say stupid things and do stupid things pretty
regularly (just ask my friends). The way things are going, someday they’ll be hauling my ass off to jail
for smuggling M&M’s in my carry on bags…. We need to protect ourselves from all this “political
correctness gone berserk”!
So I say, let’s put a
stop to the nonsense and guarantee our right to be stupid. Write to your
Senators and Congressional Representatives and let’s pass a “Stupid Amendment”!
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