New Best Friend (Facebook): Christopher Robinson, 23, became just one of many
recent suspects whose addiction to Facebook did him in. Robinson had never made
a single child support payment in the three years since a court order was
issued in Milwaukee, Wis., and the case had languished over how to prove that
he was hiding money. Using other evidence for probable cause, the prosecutor
got a warrant to search Robinson's private Facebook information and discovered
a candid photograph of him, laughing over a pile of cash.
and Catherine Schaible, members of the First Century Gospel Church in
Philadelphia and believers in faith-healing rather than medical care, were convicted
in 2011 in the bacterial-pneumonia death of their 2-year-old son, Kent. As a
condition of probation, they promised medical care for their remaining eight
children, but in April 2013, their youngest son, Brandon, died after severe
diarrhea and pneumonia, again treated only by prayer. They were arrested -- and
the other children removed from the home. The medical examiner called Brandon's
death a homicide, and the couple also faces five to 10 years in prison for
violating probation.
nun Megan Rice, 83, and two other peace activists were convicted in May of
breaking into the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tenn., last year
-- with "intent to harm national security." Somehow in the intruders'
stealth "attack" the three amateurs cut through numerous fences
undetected, then bypass several sensors and alarms (either malfunctioning or
unmonitored) before being stopped by a lone guard. (While Israel currently
frets over Iran's accumulation of up to 500 pounds of highly enriched uranium
for building one bomb, Y-12 houses an estimated 400 tons.)
Live Long and Prosper...
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