In Washington, D.C. these days, the force is the power that surrounds
and penetrates our elected representatives. That energy starts out as a
powerful force created by enthusiasm and good intentions. It is inspired by the
promises of doing good things for the people of the constituency and grows in
the hope of making a difference.
The Force quickly turns to “The Dark Side” when the Representative
learns that, in order to get anything done in Washington, deals must be made.
It starts to turn the first time the Representative introduces a bill to
construct a flood-control channel to
protect the citizens of their district. Then, in order to get it passed, the
Representative is forced to support an amendment to spend $500,000 on a grant
for a college in another Representatives' district to study the mating habits of aardvarks.
It turns even further to “The Dark Side” the first time the
Representative accepts a lunch from a lobbyist to discuss some cause. The lunch
becomes a dinner. The dinner becomes an invitation to a party. The party becomes
tickets to a sporting event. Before the Representative realizes it, “The Dark
Side” is in control, and the Representative is making money on insider
information, steering government contracts to his cousin’s construction company
and is taking ski vacations in Switzerland (calling them “Congressional Visits").
And what about all the “good” the Representative had
promised to do? Most of it gets sacrificed because it does not fit in with the
way things are done in Washington. The Washington way is to spend “political capital”
only when it benefits you or one of your political donors.
Why have things gotten like this? Where did it all go wrong?
We did it. We did it when we started being more familiar with what the President
and the Speaker of the House were doing than being aware of what our representative
was doing. We started paying attention to the “celebrities” in Washington. We
stopped paying attention to the people we actually elected to be our voice in
Do you think I am exaggerating? I’d bet you can tell me the
name of the President of the United States. And I’d bet you can name several
Senators and Congressmen. I’d also bet, however, you cannot tell me the name of
the Congressional Representative from your district (let alone what
Congressional District you live in).
And that is where the Dark Side has the advantage. If we
kept track of what our own representative was doing and how they were voting,
we could actually exert some influence. We could pressure that person to voice
our concerns and to vote more the way we want.
The chances of our letters and emails being read by our representative
is far greater than the chances of their being read by the President. The idea that we may vote against our Representative
in the next election is far more real and threatening then our warning that we
may vote against the President.
If “The Dark Side” is in control and so well entrenched in
Washington, DC, is there anything we can do to defeat it? Is there any hope of
actually changing things?
Yes. Yes, we
can defeat it. Yes, we can force change. And it is quite simple.
All we have to do is learn to use our vote wisely. We need
to put pressure where it has the greatest effect. We need to find out who
represents our district in Congress and our state in the Senate. Get the
addresses and phone numbers of those people. Start calling those people and
sending them emails to ask how they are going to vote on issues (and why). Tell
them how you want them to vote and/or to support.
That will make a big difference.
But, please, stop complaining about the things our elected representatives are getting away with until you are willing to take the time to vote –and have decided for yourself who and what you think you should be voting for.
But, please, stop complaining about the things our elected representatives are getting away with until you are willing to take the time to vote –and have decided for yourself who and what you think you should be voting for.
Live Long and Prosper…
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