Amazon.com maintains a side business of operating massive Internet-capacity "cloud" farms and contracts out space to some of the world's largest entities, including U.S. government agencies. In a case brought in October by a U.S. Court of Claims ruling, Amazon had won its bid against IBM for a cloud contract with the CIA, but had gone a step further by actually improving the CIA's system and implementing a better plan. In the world where lawyers meet government contracts, that created a "fairness" problem.IBM argued that its rights were violated because the specified contract work was no longer exactly what was being done (i.e., the client's work was being done better). IBM lodged a time-consuming protest, but later dropped the suit.
It’s hard to tell an Iraqi anything---
Thousands of Baghdad residents have been killed by bomb couriers who had passed through supposedly secure checkpoints that were "equipped" with useless ADE-651 bomb "detectors," but the devices should have been history following the fraud conviction of a British scam artist who made $75 million selling them. (American officials had warned Iraqis for years that the ADE-651 was basically a novelty golf-ball finder.) However, despite the debunking evidence brought out at trial, Iraqi police continue to use them with the September death toll at nearly 1,000 from bombers who passed through checkpoints, past silent ADE-651s. It's sort of understandable since Prime Minister al-Maliki vouches that the ADE works "up to 60 percent" of the time.
Useless, Strange, but Nice (I guess)--
San Diego Superior Court Judge Patricia Cookson, sensing a whiff of romance in the courthouse, agreed to perform the wedding ceremony, in her courtroom, of Mr. Danne Desbrow and his fiancee, Destiny -- and even to serve the lucky couple homemade cake afterward. However, Judge Cookson did all of this immediately after sentencing Desbrow to a 53-year-to-life term for first-degree murder and for threatening a witness.
And the Craziness of Political Correctness has reached Arizona---
Many parents long for armed protection for their kids at school, but a few parents at Entz Elementary in Mesa, Ariz., seem to have the opposite concern -- and demanded that local cop (and parent) Scott Urkov not wear his service weapon, or uniform, when he drops his child off in the morning. The principal sided with the complaining parents (although at least one mother defended Urkov, albeit defining the issue primarily as "his right" to be in uniform as he heads off to work).
I told you – makes you want to either scream or cry doesn’t it?
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