Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Must Have book on Leadership -Download Deal

A Great Book on Leadership for a great price!

Leadership: The First Step will be available for download to your computer, tablet or Smartphone for just 99 cents (a 67% discount!) for the first week of January.
Before you can become a good supervisor or a manager you must learn to be a leader. Leadership is the first step to becoming someone who can accomplish goals by managing people. That is exactly what Leadership: The First Step is all about. It provides guidelines and tips for the starting supervisor or manager –tips that will enable them to not only manage but to lead people and become successful. It includes chapters and sections on discipline, organization, teaching, setting a good personal example, good work habits, safety, security, staff meetings and much, much more.
You do not have to have a great deal of formal education with an MBA in order to be a good manager or supervisor. What you do need is the ability to lead. Leadership: The First Step is easy to understand and follow because it was written specifically for people who have not graduated or even attended college.

The basic principles of leadership are the same everywhere. People are people and learning to lead them is an art that you can learn (and become good at). Leadership: The First Step will teach you those principles and provide you the framework on which you can become an effective and successful leader of people!

Here’s your chance to get this remarkable book at an amazing price
–but act fast, the discount is only good for 7 days (January 1st to January 7th)!

Today's Reflection:
"A man only learns in two ways. One by reading and the other by association with smarter people."
--Will Rogers
Live Long and Prosper...

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