In December, Fort Worth, Texas, judge Jean Boyd sentenced teenager Ethan Couch to probation with no jail time for drunkenly killing four people in a car crash -- apparently accepting Couch's "defense" that his affluent, permissive childhood had taught him irresponsibility. But, that same judge in a 2012 case sentenced a 14-year-old black kid to prison for punching another boy who then fell, bumped his head and died.
New York City prostitute murderer Rasheen Everett got a 29-year sentence in December, despite his lawyer's "defense" that the victim was merely a transgendered prostitute. (His defense: "Shouldn't long sentences be reserved for people who are guilty of killing certain (higher) classes of individuals?")
A little “badge heavy”: Jim Howe, father of two children at South Cumberland Elementary School in Crossville, Tenn., was handcuffed and briefly detained by a sheriff's deputy in November after mistakenly believing that he could walk his kids home when class let out at 2 p.m. Actually, the school allows 2 p.m. departure only for kids being picked up in cars; pupils who leave on foot must wait until 2:35. (Howe assumed that the waiting period was only to protect young pedestrians from pick-up traffic.) Deputy Avery Aytes said a rule is a rule and that if Howe failed to cooperate, he would be jailed.
Today’s Reflection: Success comes before work only in the dictionary.
Love Long and Prosper…
Love Long and Prosper…
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