Saturday, August 18, 2012

More about us Strange Humans

Christianity has grown in acceptance recently in Ratanakiri province, Cambodia, but not for the reasons you might think. According to a report in the Phnom Penh Post, up to 80 percent of the population has given up the traditional Theravada Buddhism (mixed with animism) as too demanding. It seems traditional priests typically prescribe expensive offerings, such as a slaughtered buffalo, as the price for things such as improving a relative's health. Said one convertee, with the money saved using Western medicine instead of traditional sacrifices, she was able to build a house for her family.

"Deer stands," are jerry-built platforms hunters climb onto to spot deer in the distance, but county officials in Duluth, Minn., are complaining that the woods are becoming cluttered with elaborate tree houses that are often abandoned on public land at the close of the season. One official was alarmed by "mansions" -- tree stands with "stairways, decks, shingled roofs, commercial windows, insulation, propane heaters, carpeting, lounge chairs, tables, and even the occasional generator."

Rhesus monkeys have always posed delicate problems in India, where they are both revered (by Hindu law) and despised (for damaging property and roaming the streets begging for food). In Delhi, the rhesus population has grown dramatically, aided by the Hindus who feed them, and streets and private property are increasingly fouled. However, Amar Singh's business is good. He owns 65 langurs (apes much more vicious than rhesus monkeys) and, for the equivalent of about $200 per month, periodically brings one or two by a client's house to urinate in the yard so that the rhesus monkeys will steer clear.

A warning for some friends in Florida...  Jacksonville sheriff's officers were investigating a suspect (not identified) who they believe is responsible for several incidents in which boxes of ready-to-use saline enemas were purchased at a CVS drugstore, opened, used, put back in the boxes, resealed and returned for refund (and which in some cases wound up back on the store's shelves). The sheriff's office noted that the man they suspect is in custody.

Fern Cooper, 65, and 13 other cataract-surgery patients arrived at Ontario's Oakville Trafalgar Hospital on June 25 to learn that they would not receive the usual anesthesia because the hospital had decided to schedule an "experimental day" to evaluate how unsedated patients responded. (The Ontario Health Insurance Plan had recently cut anesthesiologists' fee.) A topical numbing gel, plus doctors' reassurances were provided, but Cooper, previously diagnosed with severe anxiety, told the Toronto Star of the terror she felt when, fully awake, she watched the surgeon's scalpel approaching, and then cutting, her eyeball.

And on that note I think it's time to quit for the day -y'all make it a great one, hear?

Live Long and Prosper....

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