Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Shout-Out for some blogs I like....

Today I'd like to give a little shout-out for some of the blogs I follow and read regularly -you might enjoy them too.

The blog Barco Sin Vels II is written by an old friend who writes about a variety of subjects including boating topics (Barco Sin Vela II is also the name of his boat) and other items of general interest. His writing is entertaining and often quite humerous. He also writes about some of his sailing adventures and some of his experiences in the navy. I always enjoy stoping by his blog for a smile or two.....

The Captains Journal is updated almost daily and "The Captain" always has an insightful and interesting perspective on things -often about the war in Afghanistan, but also about politics and other subjects.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies has regular postings about just that. They have a number of experts writing about important international topics. This one can be a little heavy at times.

Civil War History reviews new books about the Civil War. I check it out often when I'm looking for something new to read.

thesystemworks is a good place to find a personal perspective on a variety of topics -it is well written and an interesting read....

Military History Blog is about just that. I check it out regularly because I am a military history buff, what can I say?....

Gubu World is an excellent blog by an Irish writer named Ted. I love Ted's work and always find his perspective interesting and thought provoking. He can generate more comments than any blog I've seen. Unfortunately, he has not updated it for several months now and I really miss his blog. I hope he finds time to start up again soon.

There are, of course, a lot of other places on the internet that I check out regularly but these are my favorites and would be worth you time checking out occasionally.

Live Long and Prosper....

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