Monday, February 17, 2014

China invaded Vietnam February 17th, 1979

I’ll bet most of you did not know that on this day in 1979 the People Republic of China invaded Vietnam. It happened in response to the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia. 

Tensions between Vietnam and China increased dramatically after the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. Attempting to expand its influence, Vietnam established a military presence in Laos; strengthened its ties with China's rival, the Soviet Union; and toppled the Cambodian regime of Pol Pot in 1979. Just over a month later, Chinese forces invaded, but were repulsed in nine days of bloody and bitter fighting. Tensions between China and Vietnam remained high throughout the next decade, and much of Vietnam's scarce resources were allocated to protecting its border with China and its interests in Cambodia. 

Tensions between the two countries have remained high due to Chinese claims to sovergienty over the South China Sea -including areas areas that Vietnam considers it’s territorial waters (especially since vast amounts of oil have been discovered there). 

Today’s Reflection: 
I’m out of my mind –but feel free to leave a message. 
Live Long and Prosper…

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