Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Slight Case of Over-Billing…

Apparently there are a good number of medical professionals “gaming” the system a little bit.

Doctors are supposed to bill for the time and intensity of the procedures they perform. But the estimated duration of medical procedures used by the American Medical Association and the government are so exaggerated that many doctors averaged more than 24 hours of work in a single day. Records show that 340 doctors at outpatient surgical clinics in Florida alone performed at least 16 hours of procedures per day, even though most clinics are open for about 10 hours.
  • One Gastroenterologist performed 2,159 procedures in 2012. His average billing in a typical work week added up to 50 hours per day.
  • An Ophthalmologist performed 798 procedures in 2012. His average billing in a typical work week added up to 41 hours per day. 
  • An Orthopedic Surgeon performed 1,143 procedures in 2012. His average billing in a typical work week added up to 32 hours per day. 
  • A Dentist performed 1.739 procedures in 2012. His average billing in a typical work week added up to 39 hours per day.
Maybe it’s just me, but somehow I think that if they cracked down on this kind of billing, our health care costs would come down a little…. ‘ya think?
Live Long and Prosper....

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